What is Quali-Dec?
Quali-Dec is a project born from the joint work of the IRD (Institute for Research and Development) and its partners. Since 2020, the IRD has been running this project in the form of a consortium in 9 countries (Argentina, Burkina Faso, Spain, France, Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Vietnam), with a scientific research field that covers 4 countries: Argentina, Burkina Faso, Thailand, Vietnam. It is based on the often alarming observation that there is too much recourse to Caesarean sections as a method of delivery.

Quali-Dec aims to reduce the practice of non-medically justified caesarean sections and to encourage natural childbirth
Quali-Dec aims to reduce the practice of non-medically justified caesarean sections and to encourage natural childbirth. It provides pregnant women, their relatives and health professionals with non-clinical tools and researchers with evaluation studies on caesarean sections to guide the choice of the most appropriate mode of delivery. Quali-Dec provides objective and scientific analysis and information on the advantages and disadvantages of each mode of delivery (natural or planned caesarean).
Strategy and Tools
Based on the recommendations of the World Health Organisation and scientific studies, the Quali-Dec strategy is based on 4 components aimed at reducing non-medically justified caesarean sections:
(of the pregnant woman)
Evaluation of
caesarean sections
(among clinicians)
Opinion leaders
(health workers)
Decision support tool
(booklet and mobile
The team
This project is carried out by an international and multidisciplinary team of health practitioners, social scientists and medical researchers. These specialists from all over the world bring to this project their knowledge and local studies in order to enrich and refine it over time. This team is grouped around Alexandre Dumont, scientific coordinator of the project.

Quali-Dec partners are involved in promoting the project worldwide. Each institution disseminates the project’s decision-support tools, and health practitioners and researchers guide patients in their choice between natural childbirth and planned caesarean section. In their respective countries and locally, their role is essential to make the advantages and disadvantages of each mode of delivery known. The Quali-Dec partners are therefore essential relays to answer questions and guarantee the health of their patients and their babies.