👉 PUBLICATION LIEPP/SCIENCES PO: “Reducing the practice of unnecessary caesarean sections: the Quali-Dec project”.

The QUALI-DEC team is pleased to announce the publication by LIEPP – Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire d’Evaluation des Politiques Publiques (Sciences Po research platform), of an article based on an interview with Alexandre DUMONT (gynecologist-obstetrician, director of research at IRD, epidemiological researcher at Ceped-UniversitĂ© Paris CitĂ© and scientific coordinator of the Quali-Dec project).

Discover the contents of this article, which draws up an alarming account of the abusive practice of caesarean sections around the world, explaining:

  • why this is a “silent health crisis”,
  • how the QUALI-DEC international research project has been designed, financed and deployed with concrete effects in terms of health policies (Argentina…) to help reduce the number of non-medically justified caesarean sections, by helping pregnant women and healthcare professionals to make the right choice of delivery mode and thus make appropriate use of caesarean sections!


For more information on QUALI-DEC, visit our website or download our application: qualidec.com/en/home-en

And access our MOOC: mooc.qualidec.com

About LIEPP: The Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire d’Evaluation des Politiques Publiques is a Sciences Po research platform funded with support from the France 2030 investment plan through the IdEx UniversitĂ© Paris CitĂ©. Created in 2011, the laboratory will be redeployed from 2020 in partnership with UniversitĂ© Paris CitĂ©. Its aim is to develop an interdisciplinary scientific approach to the evaluation of public policies (particularly in the healthcare sector). The research carried out at LIEPP analyzes the functioning and effects of numerous public policies. LIEPP is based on an innovative approach to evaluative research, combining quantitative, qualitative and comparative methods, and combining a high level of scientific rigor with a concern for disseminating and translating research results to public players: sciencespo.fr/liepp/en

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Every birth is unique. The choice of delivery route depends on a number of factors such as the weight, size and position of your baby, as well as your medical history. This application is designed to provide you with information and help you reveal your preferences for the mode of delivery…

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