The results of the international research project Quali-Dec, focused on the appropriate use of cesarean sections, have led to a proposed law presented on November 7, 2023, before the Chamber of Deputies in Argentina. This law aims to promote and ensure safe childbirth for all pregnant women and their babies, thereby contributing to reducing the abusive practice of cesarean sections.
Quali-Dec is an international research project born out of the joint efforts of IRD (within UMR 196 Ceped/Université Paris Cité-IRD) and its partners. Based on the often alarming observation of excessive resorting to cesarean sections as a mode of delivery, this collective and shared scientific research project aims to reduce the practice of medically unjustified cesareans, especially in emerging and low-income countries. Support and knowledge-sharing with pregnant women and healthcare professionals are central to this project. Indeed, as a societal issue and not just a medical one, the challenge is immense to involve and convince all stakeholders, to evolve practices, mindsets, and policies in this field.
Argentine deputy Mónica Fein presented a bill on November 7 regarding the creation of the “National Program for the Appropriate Use of Cesarean Section (PNUAC)” before the Chamber of Deputies in Argentina. This bill, based on the very promising results of the Quali-Dec initiative conducted since 2020 in eight Argentine hospitals, aims to reduce the number of medically unjustified cesareans. The goal is to ensure safe childbirth for pregnant women and their babies by promoting the safest mode of delivery and ensuring the monitoring and surveillance of data related to the practice of cesarean sections.
Quali-Dec is a flagship European project started in 2020 under the Horizon 2020 program, now HORIZON EUROPE. IRD coordinates this project led by an international multidisciplinary team composed of health practitioners, social scientists, and medical sciences researchers, gathered around Alexandre Dumont, gynecologist-obstetrician, research director at IRD, and scientific coordinator of the project. Quali-Dec includes a consortium of nine countries (Argentina, Burkina Faso, Spain, France, Ireland, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Vietnam), with a scientific research field covering four countries: Argentina, Burkina Faso, Thailand, Vietnam. It is funded by the European Commission (EC) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
Quali-Dec in numbers:
500,000 births studied – 50 international researchers involved – 32 major partner hospitals – 1,500 healthcare professionals invested – 4 dedicated communication officers.
IRD discusses it: Santé maternelle et infantile : le projet Quali-dec à l’origine d’une proposition de loi en Argentine